Tuesday, 1 February 2022

You'll Feel Better on February 1st


My quilting mojo has disappeared. Still, when this quarter's theme -Emotions-was announced I knew exactly what I wanted to do. The project in my mind was way bigger and more complex, but, given my missing mojo, this will do. 

When I was a teenager and young woman and living at home with my mom, a brown teapot shaped like this one figured prominently in daily life. I remember it filled with cinnamon or Earl Grey or Constant Comment as well as plain tea.  We would sit by the kitchen table and talk and sip. A pot of tea started each day and ended each night. And a pot of it would also show up any time I was upset about anything.

My mother applied tea to any hurt, any emotional upset, big or small, with the words that still live in my memory, "Have a cup of tea. You'll feel better." And, somehow, it did help. Thanks, Mom.

P.S. This little quilt is lined in heat proof stuff so I can use it as a mug rug.



  1. Your Mother was right too, wasn't she Maureen? Sitting down with a cup of tea and just contemplating the answers to life's problems is the perfect start to finding a solution :) I hope you get lots of use out of your lovely mug rug and that your quilting mojo turns up again soon!

  2. I second what Fiona says. These are very difficult times and we have to look after ourselves, and appreciate even the small things like a comforting cup of tea! Somehow then the world keeps turning.

  3. Aw…what a sweet remembrance, and I love this quilt.

  4. A nice little finish to always remind you of comforting thoughts from your mom. This is such a charming quilt!

  5. It is the quintessential teapot and it is comforting just to look at. :)

  6. Oh there's nothing like a good cuppa to ease the thoughts and comfort the heart. This sums it up. Your piece is very comforting. In our house its Barry's gold blend. Nothing like it.

  7. I love your teapot and I totally agree with your Mum. You can't beat a cup of tea :)
