Saturday, 1 February 2025


After some false starts, my mosaic quilt was inspired by this post that I came across on X. I haven't been able to share it properly here so here is a link and a screenshot.


Doesn't that remind you of little Fiona?

This photo shows the steps I used to make the quilt and there is a bit more detail on my blog but I think we can safely say that mosaic quilt making is not my forte!

Now, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's mosaics :)


  1. What a clever idea, and I think you captured Fiona and the mosaic challenge well!

    1. Thank you. I don't think it's the most flattering portrait!

  2. I went to your blog and enjoyed seeing your other efforts too. I love the way these challenges push me to do something out of my comfort zone, even if it's not a new favorite technique. I think your Fiona mosaic is very successful!

    1. Thank you. I actually enjoyed fusing all the silk circles before so I was surprised at how much I disliked this challenge! But I agree it's good that this group pushes us to try out these things. I've learnt so much during all these challenges and enjoyed most of it :)

  3. Well, as a cat lover, I love this quilt. Great job.

  4. My first reaction is I love the movement and now I see its the paws - they are so soft and the silhouette is so strong that it really works for a cat!

    1. Thank you. I think the fact it's basically a silhouette made it a lot easier to do :)

  5. I live in Ayrshire and I have never heard of a fairy car before so I will definitely have to check that out Janine! From one Fiona to another I think you have done Fiona the cat proud with your mosaic quilt :)

    1. That's interesting. It was on X so maybe it's mis or dis-information! It gave me an idea when I was struggling so I didn't investigate further :D

  6. I never heard of faerie cats before. Think I had one for 14 years ( black with a white spot on his chest). Thanks for talking about it on your blog.
