Friday 3 May 2024

New Theme

A big thank you to everyone who linked up 'Harmony' quilts. It was, again, a wonderful collection and I'm always amazed at how all the quilts are so different, given that we work from the same prompt. I'd also like to wish Barbara and Fiona Happy Travelling :)

Now we have three options remaining:

1. Vintage

2. Spices

3. Mosaic

And the random generator wheel has chosen...

So our new theme is 'Vintage'.

The Reveal Day will be 1st August at 10.00 GMT and, in the meantime, you are of course welcome to post anything related to this theme or art quilting in general here on The Endeavourers.

Happy Sewing!

Janine :)

1 comment:

  1. ooooh thats getting the brain cells firing in so many directions!
