Wednesday 1 May 2024


I struggled to think of anything interesting to do for this theme so I settled on constructing a Fibonacci spiral. So far as I understand it, this construction is used to create a harmonic composition in paintings and you can see see some examples overlayed with an outline of the spiral here. I'm not entirely convinced that features in the paintings aren't being selected to fit the template but you can see what you think.

I was also hoping this would harmonise in the Makery with the yet-to-be-finished SAHRR I made recently but, despite using the same fabrics, I'm not sure that it does!

I'm sorry I'm posting late as last night and this morning I was struggling with the internet. I really need to start scheduling these posts :(

I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone else has made this time :)


  1. I recognized it as a fibonacci spiral right away, so your design was spot on! Great idea. Barbara @ Cat Patches

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I feel like it's a bit dull so I might switch it up a bit...

  2. Your SAHRR quilt is fabulous, and I think your spiral goes well with it! And I like the way you used two harmonious background fabrics to set it off.

  3. I agree - I think it works well with the SAHRR quilt, but whether you use them together or separate, they are both fantastic!

    1. Thank you. I'm looking forward to finishing the SAHRR :)

  4. Beautiful colours and I think your spiral reads modern very well. Really drives home how the series goes fromsmall to big so quickly. I really like both your pieces for very different reasons and they make an interesting complement that gets you thinking. - Ruth

  5. It really does grow VERY fast! It's a shame because it would have been nice to fit more spiralling in :D

  6. I really like your SHARR quilt (what does SHARR stand for???)

  7. Thank you. It stands for Stay at Home Round Robin. You start with your centre then, each week, one of the hosts gives a prompt for a border such as triangles/letters etc. Instead of passing the quilts around, everyone works on their own at home :)
