Thursday 30 April 2020

Scene From A Book

When I first saw the theme Scene from a Book, I thought it would be a snap. I read almost as much as I sew. Well, actually sewing wins out, but I do love to read. I read the theme incorrectly at first, thinking it was a phrase from a book. My idea for the theme popped into my head, and then I realized it was supposed to be a scene from a book. Hmm.

I pondered much longer than I should have. I knew I wanted to make something from a scene in one of Louise Penny's books. She writes wonderful mysteries that take place in a tiny hamlet in Quebec, a place called Three Pines. The characters from Three Pines that the reader gets to know are an eclectic mix of individuals and personalities. They all get along, even when they disagree with one another. Three Pines is an idyllic place; one that I dream about in these COVID days.

In one particular scene in her first book, Still Life, the author spends one scene describing a floral arrangement. It is so odd, I couldn't resist. I had to create my version of this. To be honest, I'm not satisfied with my interpretation, but it will have to do. Maybe someday I'll make a second version.

In the scene, the usual gang of Three Pines is gathering for a communal meal. Myrna, the librarian, has just arrived at the home of Clara and Peter (two resident artists in the town). Clara is watching her friend coming through the door. Myrna is not a small woman, according to Clara, and as she comes through the door, she "drags in" a flower arrangement. The arrangement is described as having oak leaves, maple leaves, bullrushes, a McIntosh apple branch (with an apple still attached). As if that weren't odd enough, the arrangement also contains a kielbasa and The Collected Works of W. H. Auden. 

I chose to make my quilt in raw-edge applique, because I envision this flower arrangement to be rather rustic and messy. My quilt is quite rustic and simple. I waited too long to get started, so I wasn't able to make it as elaborate as I would've liked.

I managed to get the apple branch in, with one apple.

Then I added in Auden. Had I put more plants around it, I would've hidden the book. As it was, I just tried to make it look a bit camouflaged.

And of course I snuck in the kielbasa - it was why I wanted to make this arrangement in the first place!

I even padded the kielbasa a bit, although you can't see it in the photo. All that's missing are the copious amounts of various herbs.

I stitched some veins in the leaves and then a quick stipple in the background and declared it finished.

It certainly wasn't what I had thought I'd make for this theme, but it was a fun challenge.

Looking forward to the next!



  1. Hi Wendy! I read one of her books once. The very first one, I think. Three Pines reminded me of Maine. I used to live there. Anyway, reading your description of the flower arrangement put a big smile on my face. Hey, if people make edible fruit arrangements, why not sausages? I like the energy of this quilt, and the colors, too!

    1. Thanks, Maureen! I tried to schedule this for tomorrow, but apparently forgot how! Haha! No matter, it's done! Still Life is her first book - you should try them again. I had to hang with them into about the 3-4 books before they stuck, but now I love them. I'm re-reading them, this time out loud to my hubs. I'm really enjoying it.

  2. I haven't heard of that author and you've made me really want to read her - it's lovely to discover someone new, thank you! I can see why that scene inspired you to make your glorious exuberant arrangement. I love all the details and the thought you've put into them really shows with your choice of colours and textures.

    1. Thank you, Catherine. She's definitely an author to try if you enjoy mysteries. She writes very well and has quite a large following. Start with the first book, as each book builds the characters.

  3. I haven't heard of the author either Wendy, but it sounds like I need to look her up! The batiks were a great choice for your arrangement, they help to create that sense of haphazardness that your scene suggests. I can really picture that "not small woman" dragging in all those leaves and ephemera :)

    1. Thank you! The writing of the scene just makes me chuckle, from the dragging in of the arrangement to the discovery of the kielbasa (who puts sausage in a flower arrangement??). I highly recommend the books!

  4. The book sounds like fun. I think you described the arrangement very well with your quilt. Love the apple and sausage.

    1. Thank you. It was a quirky and fun project. Not my best work, but I enjoyed it, just the same.

  5. I have read Still Life and I remember that description of the arrangement. You brought it to life so well. It would make a much better hostess gift than the actual arrangement in the book, much more attractive and much less likely to shed plant bits all over. :)
    I have not read any of her other books. They are available as e-books through my local library, but there is always such a long waiting list, I haven't signed up for them.

  6. Thanks! Yes, my arrangement is a bit less messy than the one in the book - haha! She does have a long waiting list for her books, but each one gets better, in my opinion. I'm (im)patiently waiting for her next one, which comes out late summer, I believe!

  7. I've not heard of that book either - wondering if it is because we are on the other side of the pond we're not come across it. Thanks for the recommendation and I really like the description of the bouquet and how it inspired you.

    1. Location could be the reason, I haven't thought to check to see where everyone in the Facebook group is from! Thanks!

  8. That sounds like a great book, which somehow hasn't become well known here. I, too, will have to look out for it. Your arrangement is brilliant :)
